

I learned drawing and piano for years when I was little and continue to appreciate the arts and beauties in life since then.


My favorite Chinese composor is Hai Lin. 林海作曲缠绵悱恻却又荡气回肠, 绵里藏针,于细微处见深情。有一种即使命运悲剧也满怀热爱的凄壮,对我而言体现了中华民族精神世界的意象。 His Pipa Language has remained my favorite since when I first heard it at age ten.

My favorite foreign composer is Chopin. I was speechless when I first heard Nocturne op.9 No.2. Such a divine work! 真切体会到了“曾经沧海难为水, 除却巫山不是云”和“如听仙乐耳暂明”,以往的音乐一瞬间变得“呕哑嘲哳难为听”。


最后夹带私货推荐两位最爱的音乐人 -- 填词人黄伟文和填曲人陈光荣。推荐他们合作的相依为命前所未见。我总觉得,最美的情感是不能用大白话说出来的,要运用上各方感官,各种层叠,去调动人最心底的浪漫。这很难,但是他们做到了,我没有见过别的音乐人可以如此每首歌都达到如此高度。他们对品控的保证也强调了他们的style,我满心折服。


My favorite Impressionism painter is Renoir. I would fly to Philly just to enjoy his paintings. I become immersed in great joy whenever I look at his paintings. I have no clue of why but I think that is the power of art - the useless art from mundane perspectives. Mysterious and marvelous.

My favorite Neoclassicism painter is Ingres. His paintings often give me the impression that they are too perfect to exist. I was stunned when I saw his The Princesse de Broglie for the first time at the Met. His Grande Odalisque has long time been my favorite.

Apart from appreciating arts, I also create my own by painting, photography, and writing.


Cultural Aesthetic

Wuxia is one key specialty in Chinese culture. There is some spiritual space special for Chinese. It's hard to explain in English and to explain to someone who is not grown up in this culture. Will come back when I'm capable of doing a better job.

An disclaimer is that aesthetic is very subjective. It only reflects my personal point of view/impression. I have not conducted thorough research in Chinese culture so if you are serious about learning more about Chinesse culture, don't rely solely on my words.

For now I will just share three pieces of music which for me reflects the aesthetic of love, fate, and Wuxia. I first heard all of them before I was ten and they left an ingrained influence on me.


Lethal charisma to me means taste and manner. Their testimony, naturally, is style ;)